[BOOK|MOBI] Kavanagh Q.C. - Diplomatic Baggage

Dating > Kavanagh Q.C. - Diplomatic Baggage

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The series follows James Kavanagh John Thaw as he goes about his life working for the courts and working different cases. However he must also contend with his life at home, including issues with Kavanagh Q.C. - Diplomatic Baggage wife and the many family dilemmas he must sort out in his spare time, something that seems to get more and more fleeting each day. John Thaw Inspector Morse, Goodnight Mr Tom is Kavanagh Q. C, one of the most respected criminal advocates in London. From a northern working-class background, James Diplomaticc has climbed to the top of an elite profession through hard work and a love of the law. But his dedication to work, the long hours and difficult cases, have taken their toll on life at home with his wife and two teenage children. In this first series Kavanagh Q. C takes on a variety of difficult and sometimes controversial cases including a student accused of rape, an alleged victim Kavanath a police attack, a child custody battle and a prostitute accused of murdering a wealthy businessman. C, one of the most respected criminal advocates in London. From a northern working-class background, James Kavanagh has climbed to the top of an elite Duplomatic through hard work and a love of Bgagage law. The ties that bind 6.

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